Please refer to the links below for Eastern Lancaster County School District’s School Board policies regarding the districts home education programs procedures and guidelines set by the Home Schooling Law, Act 169 and Pennsylvania School Code.
- Eastern Lancaster County School District Board Policy 137 Policy 137 - Home Education Program
- Eastern Lancaster County School District Board Policy 137.1 Policy 137.1 - Extracurricular Participation by Home Education Students
- Eastern Lancaster County School District Board Policy 137.2 Policy 137.2 - Participation in Cocurricular Activities and Academic Courses by Home Education Students
Contact District Registrar at if you are interested in participating in the activities discussed in Board Policy 137.2 .
Affidavits and related files that apply to home school families as well as links to informational websites are also provided below. Any questions related to the Home Education program be directed to the District Office at (717) 354-1118 or
Home Education Enrollment Packet with Updated Board Policies
Home Education Approval Procedures:
Prior to the Start of the School Year:
1) A child’s parent or guardian must file a notarized affidavit along with education objectives and required immunization and health records with supporting documents to:
Eastern Lancaster County School District Office
Assistant Superintendent/Attn: HomeSchool
669 E. Main St., PO Box 609
New Holland, PA 17557
Affidavit forms are available for pickup at the District Office or can be downloaded below.
**A separate affidavit should be completed and filed for each child participating in home school instruction by August 1 of each year homeschooling is requested or prior to starting your homeschool program.**
2) In addition to the notarized affidavit, the following attachments must be included:
- Educational objectives for each subject for each student
- Evidence of immunization (Records or a Letter from Physician) or religious exemption
- Health/Medical services (Records or a Letter from Physician) or religious exemption (upon initial entrance, Grades 6 and 11)
- Dental services or religious exemption (upon initial entrance, Grades 3 and 7)
- Evidence that the supervisor possesses a high school diploma or equivalent (Only needs to be submitted when initially enrolling into the Home Education Program)
Children enrolled in grades 3, 5, and 8 must have results of an approved achievement test administered by an appropriate evaluator. **Parents or guardians may request to have their child take the state PSSA test with the District enrolled students by contacting the District Office before September 30th.**
3) It is required that home schooled children with a disability have the proposed program reviewed and approved by a clinical psychologist or a certified special education teacher. (See sample form below.)
4) The supervisor will receive a letter from the District Office verifying your program has been approved by the school district.
End of the School Year:
5) Throughout the school year, the supervisor must maintain a portfolio of student work. The portfolio shall be evaluated at the end of each year by a clinical or school psychologist or appropriately certified teacher, i.e. teacher holds PA Teacher Certification in the appropriate subject areas
6) The annual evaluation conducted by a licensed or certified evaluator must be submitted for each student by June 30th to the Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent's Office. The evaluator’s written evaluation based on a review of the portfolio and interview of the child, and any achievement tests shall certify whether or not an appropriate education is occurring. **Evidence of evaluator certification must be submitted along with evaluation, if not previously provided.**
NOTE: Portfolios and achievement tests no longer need to be submitted to the school district for review.
7) The supervisor will receive a letter from the District Office verifying the submission of each student’s evaluation once all required documentation is received.
August 1st – Notarized affidavit with appropriate paperwork.
September 30th – Request for participation in PSSA testing through the school district.
June 30th – Evaluation of education program from licensed or certified evaluator.
Eastern Lancaster County School District
District Office
Attn: HomeSchool
669 E. Main Street, P.O. Box 609
New Holland, PA 17557
(717) 354-1118
- Home Education Enrollment Packet
- Affidavit Elementary
- Affidavit Secondary
- Home Education - Special Education Program Approval Form (Sample)
Pennsylvania Department of Education - Home Education and Tutoring |