Gifted Education
Gifted Education Mission Statement
Eastern Lancaster County school district recognizes that there are learners who possess, or are capable of possessing, extraordinary learning ability and/or outstanding talent. The mission of the ELANCO Gifted Education Services is to provide appropriate and ongoing learning experiences and environments that address the academic, psychological, and social needs of the gifted learner. It is the responsibility of the school district and the larger community to ensure the ongoing identification of gifted and talented learners and the provision of appropriate educational services which meet the unique needs of such learners.
Child Find Notice
If you believe that your school-age child may be in need of gifted support services, screening and evaluation processes are available to you at no cost upon written request. These processes are designed to assess the learner’s needs and determine eligibility. You may request screening and evaluation at any time, even if your child is not enrolled in the District’s public school program. Requests for evaluation and screening need to be made in writing to the Building Principal.