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Free & Reduced Information

Applications for the 2024-2025 School year can start to be filled out on Wednesday, July 10, 2024!


Apply online, anytime, anywhere on  ELANCO SD food services has made it faster and easier for parents to apply for free and reduced meals.  This free service enables families to receive program benefits faster than using the paper application.  Your application is electronically submitted directly to the food service department for processing.  Each school year a new application must be submitted (1 per household family) even if your child was receiving free or reduced meals the last school year.  You must complete a new application before OCTOBER 2nd, 2024. If you have not returned a new application by that date, your child will be removed from the program and will have to pay full price for meals until a new application is completed.  If you accrue a negative balance and then qualify for free/reduced, you are still responsible to pay for that negative balance.  If your child is receiving free/reduced meals they can have a complete breakfast and lunch meal. 

2024-2025 Free/Reduced Meal Application

First page of the PDF file: PennsylvaniaEnglishFreeReducedHHApplication1

Spanish Application

First page of the PDF file: PennsylvaniaSPANISHFreereducedHHApplication

Ukrainian Application

First page of the PDF file: ApplicationinUkrainian

Application Instructions

First page of the PDF file: HHApplicationInstructions-English0031
First page of the PDF file: SchoolCafeSetupPaymentQuickCard
First page of the PDF file: SchoolCafeEligibilityQuickCard